Asst. Prof. Eda Gürel
Tourism and Hotel Management Department
School of Applied Technology and
Bilkent University
06800 Bilkent / Ankara
0 90 312 290 50 26
Office Location:
Scholarly Publications
Gurel, E. and
Nielsen, A. (2018) "Art Museum Visitor Segments: Evidence from
Italy on
Omnivores and High-brow Univores", International Journal of
Arts Management, 21(2): 55-69.
Gurel, E. and
Nielsen, A. (2018) "Exploring the Visitors' Perceptions and Experiences
of Museums",
in Kozak, M and
Kozak N. (Eds.) Tourist Behavior: An Experiential
Perspective. Cham: Springer.
Gürel, E.
(2017) "Müze Ziyaretçilerinin Bölümlendirilmesi: Ankara Örneği",
Pazarlama ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(2): 201-218.
Z. I., Altinay, L. and Gurel, E. (2015) “Culture and Entrepreneurship”
in Altinay, L. and Brookes, M. (Eds), Entrepreneurship in Hospitality
and Tourism. Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers.
Gürel, E.
(2013) "Ankara'daki Müzelerde Ziyaretçi Profillerinin ve
Motivasyonlarının Değerlendirilmesi", VEKAM ve Koç Üniversitesi Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi
(VEKAM and Koç University Journal of Ankara Studies), 1(2): 1-9.
Ertuna, Z. İ.
and Gurel, E. (2011) "The Moderating Role of Higher Education on
Entrepreneurship", Education + Training, 53(5): 387-402.
2010 Gurel,
E., Altinay, L. and Daniele, R. (2010) "Tourism Students'
Entrepreneurial Intentions", Annals of Tourism Research,
37(3): 646-669.
2010 Gurel,
E. and Kavak, B. (2010) “A Conceptual Model for Public Relations in
Museums”, European Journal of Marketing, 44(1/2): 42-65.
2009 Kavak,
B.; Gürel, E.; Eryiğit, C.; Tektaş, Ö. Ö. (2009) “Examining the Effects
of Moral Development Level, Self-Concept, and Self-Monitoring on
Consumers’ Ethical Attitudes”, Journal of Business Ethics,
2006 Yaman,
R. H. and Gürel, E. (2006) “The Ethical Ideologies of Tourism
Marketers”. Annals of Tourism Research, 33(2):470-489.
2004 Gürel,
E., Gümüşlüoğlu, L. T. and Arıkan S. (2004) “An Analysis of
Entrepreneurship by Demographics and Sectoral Composition in
Turkey and a
Comparison with the European Union”. Boğaziçi Journal,
2001 Gürel,
E. (2001) "Tüketici Davranışlarını Açıklamaya Yönelik Modeller Üzerine
Bir Tartışma ve Turizm Mal ve Hizmetlerine Uyarlama", Maltepe
Üniversitesi Meslek Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, 1: 17-33.
Conference Proceedings and Presentation
Gurel, E. (2017) "Why do People Visit Museums? Visitors' Perceptions of
Museums: A Cross-Cultural Study". Paper presented at the 7th Advances in
Tourism Marketing Conference, Casablanca, Morrocco, 6-9 September 2017.
Nielsen, A. and Gürel,
E. (2016) "Visitors' Perceptions of Museums" in the Proceedings of the
of the 4th Interdisciplinary Tourism Research Conference, Bodrum,
Turkey, 24-29 May 2016, pp. 30-35.
Gürel, E. (2016) "Müze Ziyaretçilerinin Bölümlendirilmesi: Ankara
Örneği". Paper presented at the 17th National Tourism Congress, Bodrum,
Turkey, 20-23 October 2016.
Gürel, E. and Nielsen, A. (2014) “Segments of Museum Visitors: Evidence
from Italy”, Paper presented at the Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality
International Conference 2014, Bosphorus University, Istanbul, Turkey,
6-8 November 2014.
E. (2014) “Assessing the Impact of Innovation, Market
and Service Orientation on Performance in Cultural Organizations in
Turkey”, Paper presented at the Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality
International Conference 2014, Bosphorus University, Istanbul, Turkey,
6-8 November 2014.
Gurel, E. and Ertuna, Z. İ. (2014) “Effects of Higher Education on
Entrepreneurial Traits and Intentions: A Longitudinal Study”, in the
Proceedings of the 18th IAMB Conference (summary), Roma TRE
University, Rome, Italy.
E. and Sofuoğlu, M. (2014) “Visitor and Curatorship Orientation in
Museums”, in the Proceedings of the 19th National Marketing
Congress, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep, Turkey, 18-22 June, 2014, pp.
G. and Gürel, E. “ Tourism Higher Education in Turkey: Is It meeting the
needs of the Tourism Industry?”, in the Proceedings of the EuroCHRIE Conference 2013, Freiburg,
Germany, 16-19 October 2013.
Ünal, A. and Gürel,
E. “Investigating food and beverage curricular in tourism and
hospitality degree programs in Turkey”, in the Proceedings of the EuroCHRIE
Conference 2013, Freiburg, Germany, 16-19 October 2013.
E. and Bartlett, D. “The Influence of Market Orientation,
Entrepreneurial Orientation and Social Capital on Innovation in Small
Hotels: A Cross Cultural Study”, in the Proceedings of the EURAM 2012 Annual Conference of the
European Academy of Management (summary), Rotterdam, Holland, 6-8 June 2012.
Gürel E. and
Yaman R. (2011) “Effects of Formal Education on Entrepreneurial Traits
and Intentions: A Cross Cultural Study ”. Paper presented at the
ApacCHRIE Conference 2011, Hong Kong 2-5 June 2011.
E.; Yaman, R. and Hseih, H. “Students'
Entrepreneurial Traits and Intentions: A Comparative Study betweenTurkey
and Taiwan”, Paper presented at the Association of Tourism in Higher Education (ATHE) 2011
Annual Conference, St Anne's College Oxford, UK, 8-9 December, 2011.
Paşamehmetoğlu, A.
and Gurel , E., “Ethical Perceptions and Ideologies: A Comparative Study
between Students, Graduates and Managers”. Paper presented at the Advances in Hospitality and
Tourism Marketing and Management (AHTMM) 2011 Conference, Boğaziçi
University, İstanbul, Turkey, 19-24 June, 2011.
Ates, A. and Gurel,
E. , “Tourism and Hospitality Students’ Preferred Learning Styles in
Higher Education in Turkey – Working Paper” in the Proceedings of the
International Society of the Travel and Tourism Educators (ISTTE) 2011
Annual Conference, Miami, USA, 20-22 October 2011
Gurel E.
(2011) “Anketler Işığında Müzeler II: Müze Yönetimlerinin Ziyaretçi ve
Koleksiyonu Koruma Odaklılıkları - Marketing and Custodial Orientations
of Museum Managements”, Paper presented at The Past and Future of
Museology in Turkey V Symposium - Cultural Heritage: Methods of
Restoration and Conservation, Vehbi Koç Ankara Research Center, Ankara,
23-24 May 2011.
2010 Gürel
E. and Paşamehmetoğlu, A. (2010) “Ethical Perceptions and Ideologies: A
Comparative Study between Students and Graduates”. Paper presented at
the EuroCHRIE Congress 2010, Amsterdam, Holland, 25-28 October 2010.
2010 Gurel
E.; Önen Z. and Sofuoğlu M. (2010) “Museum Visitors in Turkey”. Online
presentation presented at the 3rd International Conference on the
Inclusive Museum, Istanbul,
Turkey, 2-5 June 2010.
2010 Gurel
E. (2010) “Anketler Işığında Müzeler I: Ziyaretçi Profillerinin
ve Motivasyonlarının Değerlendirilmesi - Museum Visitors in Ankara,
Turkey”, Paper presented at The Past and Future of Museology in Turkey
IV Symposium – An Open-Air Museum: City of Ankara and its Surroundings,
Vehbi Koç Ankara Research Center, Ankara, 20-21 May 2010.
2009 Gurel,
E. Altinay, L. and Daniele, R. (2009) “Effects of Education on
Entrepreneurial Intentions” Paper presented at the Business School
Research Conference, Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom, 2 June
Gurel E.
(2008) “Marketing and Public Relations in Museums.” in the Proceedings
of the Past and Future of Museology in Turkey II Symposium,
VEKAM Vehbi Koç
Ankara Research
Center, Ankara,
Turkey, 21-23 May, 2008.
2008 Ertuna,
Z. I. and Gurel, E. (2008) “Effects of Entrepreneurial Traits and
Education on Entrepreneurial Intentions” in the Proceedings of the 26th
EuroCHRIE Congress, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, October 11-14, 2008.
Gurel, E. and
Kavak, B. (2008) “A New Approach for Public Relations in Museums for the
21st Century” in the Proceedings of the 26th EuroCHRIE Congress, Dubai,
United Arab Emirates, October 11-14, 2008.
Kavak, B.,
Gürel, E., Eryiğit, C. and Tektaş, Ö. Ö. (2008) “Examining the Effects
of Moral Development Level, Self-Concept and Self-Monitoring on
Consumers’ Ethical Attitudes”, Paper presented at the 21st EBEN (European Business
Ethics Network) Annual Conference, Antalya, Türkiye, October 17-19,
2008 Gurel,
E. (2008) “Service Quality and Visitor Satisfaction in Museums in Turkey
-Work in Progress”, in the Proceedings of the 3rd International
Conference on Services Management (summary), Penn State University, PA, USA, 9-10
May 2008.
Ünal, A. and Gurel, E.,
“Service Quality in Restaurant Operations in Turkey – Work in Progress”
in the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
Services Management (summary), State College, USA, May 9-10, 2008.
2008 Paşamehmetoğlu,
A. and Gurel, E. “Service Quality of the Hotels in Turkey – Its Impact
on Customer Value, Satisfaction, Commitment and Retention – Work in
Progress” in the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
Services Management (summary), State College, USA, May 9-10, 2008.
2006 Gürel,
E. and Kavak, B. (2006) “The role of the management’s market orientation
and the interest level of the publics on the excellence of the public
relations programs of museums”. Paper presented at the EuroCHRIE
Congress 2006, Thessalonica, Greece, 23-25 October 2006.
2004 Yaman H. R. and Gürel, E. (2004) “The relationship between
moral philosophies of tourism marketing managers and corporate ethical
values: A comparison of Australian and Turkish cultures” in the
Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) Tenth Annual
Conference, 947-956, Nagasaki, Japan, 4-7 July 2004.
2004 Gürel,
E. and Yaman H. R. (2004) “Moral philosophies of Turkish tourism
marketers: An assessment of selected individual factors”, in the
Proceedings of the EuroCHRIE Congress 2004,
Ankara, Turkey, 3-7
November 2004.
2004 Gürel, E. and Yaman, H. R. (2004) “Does education have an
influence on ethical positions? A study of Turkish tourism managers” in
the Proceedings of the International Society of Travel and Tourism
Educators (ISTTE) Annual Conference, 13-23, Hong Kong, SAR China, 26-28
September, 2004.